Raw Zerce

This individual is the epitome of Raw Zerce.

George Michael VI- A Brief Conversation

It is early in the P.M Hours and drinking some mediocre Red Chinon when the Tele rings.


“Layden, it’s me.”

“It’s who?”


“Me who?”

“Your best buddy.”

“Who is this?”

“It’s Mr. Hedonism- Mr. Careless Whisper minus Sexy Sax Man, George Michael.”


George Michael and Sexy Sax Man

Rumor has it that George Michael will be teaming up with Sexy Sax Man to do a North American tour and there will be lots of tight latex, Albino escapee twins from a Arkansas Carnival, Life sized Voodoo dolls dressed in the latest hot fashions, the sexiest of the sexy Tranny background singers, sinister Liberace impersonators, and a fuck load of “Careless Whisper”.    🙂    http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/greatest-and-otherwise/id416176197