The Boston Ranter: Slanted Vignettes from a Native New Englander

This autobiographical novella was inspired by my life growing up in New England. Comedic, dramatic and quite revealing. This latest title will truly explain why I am the raving lunatic I am today.  Here is wicked riot of a sample.

Chapter 5


“Fuhkin Dawhnie didn’t bring back any crullers from Dunkins!”  = BULLSHIT

“What the fuck “R” you doing, Dawhnie?  Deciding to move yourself into my place without asking, runnin around like a retard and causing a friggin ruckus!”  Dawhnie was my best friend, but Jesus Christ. There comes a point you have to say. “Get your shit and get the fuck out!”

“Jawhnie, I’m sorry. I will have a couple of bucks next week. My Aunt Mahtha is going to float me a loan. I promise I will make things right. I promise. Could you pass the Hogan please.”  Dawhnie always played the can I have the hamburger now and pay latter Bullshit card; Dawhnie Harrigan was a hot shit, but in real life, he was kind of a fuhkin loosah.

Dawhnie grew up West of Boston like myself and loved hockey, good grass, beatin off and AC/DC.

“Jawhnie! Jawhnie!”  Dawhnie screamed over the receiver at me.  “AC/DC is opening up there tour at The Woostah Centrum. We have to go to that fuhkin show, Jawhnie! It is our friggin destiny!”

So Dawhnie and I scrounged up some coin by begging, selling dime bags and roughing up helpless grade unders to get the dollar values we needed to go to the epic show.

“ Fuhkin AC/DC , Jawhnie!”

“Hey”   Came from someone I bumped into I vaguely knew.  “You want to hit this?”

“What is it?”

“It’s Hash”

Sparkin the bowl and Angus Young coming up through the stage rippin “Thunderstruck”, I am in the fuhkin zone and it’s just me and Angus Young in the whole Woostah Centrum.  What a showman, one of the greatest Rock guitarist’s in the history of the sport and Brian Johnson by Angus’ side bringing ROCK N ROLL RASPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 hours of kick you in the nuts Rock N Roll and Dawhnie and I make our way home, walking to the reservoir first and smoking yet another splift.  We laugh, share the victory of the night while sharing a bottle of So Co, living the dream. As much as Dawhine could drive me crazy and make me feel like I was going fuhkin bonkers. He was my Brotha and even know family can be extremely Love and Hate, Love always prevails. Click on the sexy Pic above to get the rest of this wicked awesome, extremely Pissah, Boston life story.




Published on November 5, 2014 at 7:26 pm  Comments (6)  

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6 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Reminds me of the place Chelle and I used to hit up 5 Stars. Stopped by per her recommendation.

    • Thank you Ed and hope you donate and procure the rest of the story! Layden

    • Thanks Brotha and hope you donate and get the rest of the book! Layden

  2. Nice looks like a good read

    • Thanks Brotha and let me know if I can send you a copy via email.

  3. seems interesting! happy 2015

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